Anime invasion...

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Gurren Lagann

Alternate Title: Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann (天元突破グレンラガン,)
                                                       Heaven-Piercing Gurren Lagann

Studio: Gainax
English Liscensor: Bandai Entertainment
Episodes: 27
Demographic: Shonen
Genres: comedy, drama, mecha (super robot), science fiction, action, adventure
Related Content: Gurren Lagann (manga)
                          Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann: Gurren-hen (movie)
                          Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann: Rengen-hen (sequel)

In the future, the Earth’s surface is ruled by the tyrannical Spiral King, and overrun by his cloned creations, the non-Spiral beings called Beastmen. These creatures use face-dominated mecha known as Gunmen in order to keep humankind oppressed, crushing all those who dare rise out of their isolated underground villages. Ignorant of the world above, the humans adapt to poor living conditions over untold generations. Under the constant threat of earthquakes, the people are certain that digging tunnels deeper into the Earth to expand the villages’ borders is their only means of survival. Groups of diggers are, thus, appointed to carry out this task. One humble young digger named Simon, the orphan recluse of Jiha Village, finds solace in doing his job as well as in his best friend and older brother figure, Kamina. Unlike his fellow villagers, Kamina is determined to go to the legendary surface world he believes he saw as a child.
While drilling one day, Simon unearths an unusual treasure, a “core drill,” which later serves as the key to piloting his second discovery, a robotic face Kamina dubs Lagann. This tiny Gunman proves useful in defeating the ferocious super-robot that falls through the ceiling and into Jiha Village. Hot on its trail is the tough, gun-wielding Yoko, future member of Kamina’s Team Gurren. She, Kamina, and Simon join forces and drive out the enemy, while ascending to the surface world nobody else in Jiha Village believed to have existed.
From this point on, Kamina builds a reputation for himself among humans and Beastmen alike by seizing control of a larger Gunman he names Gurren. By leading a growing band of rebel humans under the banner of Team Dai-Gurren, and defeating any Beastmen that come his way, Kamina inspires hope and confidence in others, especially his “soul brother,” Simon. Through sheer force of will, a burning spirit, heroic efforts, and unparalleled manliness, the leader of Team Dai-Gurren marches forward with Simon by his side. Together, they combine their Gunmen to form the powerful two-faced, drill-wielding mecha, Gurren Lagann.
As they make their way toward the Spiral King’s fortress, tragedy devastates Team Dai-Gurren and threatens to break their resolve. Simon wonders if he can ever pilot Lagann again, while the others try to come up with a plan to strike the Beastmen headquarters.

Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann (TTGL), at first glance, seems to be a series mainly intended for male audiences with a love for hybrid mecha designs and copious amounts of fanservice. When I first came across this series on the SciFi channel, I thought that it depended primarily on these giant robot faces to hold the story together. From the looks of its scantily-clad female characters and one incredibly macho protagonist, I assumed that the story lacked in depth and character development. Boy was I wrong!
Like I mentioned before, Gurren Lagann has oodles of fanservice with plenty of boob jokes, but it is a show with hidden depth. Kamina, may be a loud-mouthed, overconfident delinquent, but he also proves to be a selfless, caring character overall. He doesn’t experience a dynamic change in throughout the series; however, his role as the embodiment of pure fighting spirit and perseverance is vital to the early progression of the plot. Simon counterbalances Kamina’s overconfidence and eccentric personality. Though somewhat of a coward at first, Simon displays significant maturity and bravery as the story advances – no doubt thanks to the support his “bro” initially provides. He also manages to take on the role of a leader very well later on, growing into the respectable man his Kamina hoped he would become.

Yoko, the main female role, shows the viewers that she is no ditz, nor a character merely used for fanservice. She exhibits true inner-strength and bravery equivalent to that of Team Dai-Gurren’s leader. Her wit, competence, and obvious skill with her large firearm make Yoko a great addition to the main cast.

The supporting characters possess quirky personalities that contribute to the colorful, hyperactive nature of Gurren Lagann. Team Dai-Gurren becomes more of a family over time, demonstrating the power and importance of one’s evolution (something the Beastmen lack).

Overall, I enjoyed this anime. Gurren Lagann is a show you could definitely watch more than once and still manage to get completely sucked into its futuristic world. The amazing animation coupled with masterful voice acting, both in English and in Japanese, only serves to contribute to this tale of epic proportions. So, if you’re into sci-fi, action, comedy, drama, adventure, GIANT ROBOT FACES and a little romance on the side, then Gurren Lagann is a must-see!

Rating: «««½

Click HERE to watch the entire series.

1 comment:

  1. Nice review. I got to admit this reminds me of Lunar Knights. I do not know if you heard about it but it has some similar story line of two main characters, Lucian and Aaron. Lucian is a swordsman wielding various dark melee weapons. Aaron is an apprentice that uses a variety of Solar Guns to deal damage to his undead foes (vampires) who control the weather elements of fire, ice, earth, wind (sounds lame, but it has a good story). To fully defeat the vampires, they need to purified, they are going to need the sun itself. How do they reach the sun? They got a giant machine that help them get throw space, to only fight more undead, in space. Glad to hear there is humor for the males, people now-a-days may be a bit sensitive of jokes. There is always a girl who tries to be the hardcore one in the anime and they always seem to be a girl who is sensitive, but they are still cool. Well if it relates to machinery, then I will give this series a shot. Oh yeah, you should review full metal alchemist, reminds me of metal gear.
